Monday, February 27, 2012

Still waiting for any responses.... Will have to load some pics soon. Have so many cute things to daughter Yumi keeps asking me if anyone is interested yet. I guess I'll have to get the word out

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Swaps swaps and more

Hello to anyone who has stumbled across this blog! So as you have guessed this blog is all about swaps! I actually came across this concept on you tube...(there are some very talented crafty people!) my daughter and I were Amazed. The basic gist of it is people trade kawaii ( means cute in Japanese) items, it can be handmade stuff like plushies, clay figurines, accessories and anything else you can think of...or it can be kawaii Japanese style stationery, magazines, toys, accessories ect....
So we tried to see if we could join in on the swapping..but many of the trades were closed or people just preferred trading with people they already knew. So we figured we would try and set up our own trades. So let's see if anyone else is interested. So here goes we will trade to whomever contacts us first..we wanna trade some cute japanese style plushies...will try post some pics up as soon as possible. I would like to open this blog to anyone willing to trade. This is all good nice clean fun, appropriate for kids and or anyone interested in cute Kawaii style stuff! Anyways hope to hear from you soon!